These illustrations are for Hmong flashcards for Hmongbaby. These are just a few illustrations of the 70+ I was able to make.
Case Study
The creator of Hmong Baby contacted me to create 3 sets of her flashcards, fruits & vegetables, household items and numbers. The first step in this process was discussing the style the creator wanted to fit her original animal flashcards which was cute and geometric. After that, it was time to start gathering images for inspiration so I could start sketching.
Design Process
After the sketches were reviewed and picked from, the coloring and line art inside Adobe Illustrator process began. Not all of the objects had to go through multiple color choices but below are a few that did.
Final Product
Working with the creator was one of the greatest experiences to be apart of. Her creativity was inspiring and I loved being able to help her products come to life. To see more, check out her site!